
FITNESS: Work out in Jonlivia Hot Pants

April 26, 2017

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It's summer time of the year, guess it's time for the song of Summertime Sadness again, because my dream bikini body is never ready for summer. 😢

Girl ain't gonna give up! I'm gonna work my ass off, well at least just tone up a little if bikini body is way too hard to achieve. LOL

Being a girl that loves outdoor activities and sport, also a fan of athleisure myself, it will never be too many sportswear in my wardrobe.

Jonlivia hot pants is the workout pants that I've always wanted to have, read on for my further review.

So what makes Jonlivia Hot Pants special from others?


When I first open the parcel, I'm definitely touching the product before I try it on. Oh man! The quality is top notch, the fabric is very thick, and all the stitches are very neat.
It is also soft and highly stretchable, perfect for stretching and yoga session.


Sweat plus effect

The fabric material is made of 100% Neoprene, it helps the covered body part to sweat more and burn extra calories than we usually would.
I've tried it myself, it really sweat a lot, a lot more than usual, my legs are not usually sweaty, but my undies are like all wet after work out wearing Jonlivia hot pants, so you can imagine how much sweat is that.


Shape up nicely

I like that this sweat pants is high-waisted, which is quite rare to be found.
It can cover up to belly if you want to shape up your belly a little.
Not to mention it can hold up the ass nicely as well, some work out pants in the market just unable to do that.


Back pocket with zip

This is my favorite feature! Non of my work out pants come with pocket, it is a pain that I had to hold my car key all the time while I jog outdoor; or having the locker key tangling around my wrist when I work out in the gym.
Zip it up, and don't have to worry about it dropping out.


Last but not least, being a fashion addict wanna-be, it is a crime for not looking stylish while working out.
Good for posing for OOTD shots.


Jonlivia Hot Belts

If you want that quicker fat burning around your waist, you can try to wear their hot belt during workout too, not recommended for workout like crunches though, it limits the movements.

However, I personally think that it's a little too hot to work out in hot belt, be mindful not to wear it for too long, remove it when necessary as it makes your skin red. I myself prefer wearing it during menstruation, it helps to relieve my cramp.


So, what you waiting for?

Get your Long Active Hotpants S5+ here and Unisex Hot Belt here.

Connect with Jonlivia Malaysia

Tel: +6016 384 5358

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