
TRAVEL: Kangaroo Meat, Will You Eat It?

October 16, 2017


Came across the news the other day saying that Australians are urged to eat more kangaroo meat.

According to the news, Australian government point out that there were almost 45 million kangaroos in 2016, which is almost double the human population of Australia. That is insane!

So in order to control the population of kangaroos, we should eat kangaroo meat!

And I ate kangaroo meat

It reminds me of my experience of eating kangaroo meat when I was travelling in Melbourne back in 2013.

You know kangaroos are always jumping, it makes their legs really strong, hence their meat is really hard, it was like chewing rubber, unbreakable rubber.

Not only the meat texture not appealing at all, the smell of the meat wasn't too good for me either. It was kind of like lamb, but not cooked properly with the right seasoning, hence the unpleasant smell of it. Chinese called it 腥味.

This was what I had.

Looks delicious right? Just like any normal grilled lamb. However, the cheese unable to cover the smell of the meat at all, it tasted even weirder when the dish cool down.

The kangaroo meat could have tasted different, only maybe if it's cook in a different way, maybe Chinese way? Like heavily marinated with spices, then stir fry with ginger and spring onion, the Chinese called it 姜葱炒, well I don't know, just a random thought.

As a conclusion, I think we should give it a try, especially when you are travelling, it will be an experience, and it will form part of your memories that last a lifetime.

What about you?

Have you tasted the kangaroo meat yourself?
What was your experience?
And how would you think to cook it better if you have similar experience like mine?

Feel free to comment and let me know. 😃

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  1. Haha this is such an interesting post. If given the chance I think I would still like to try cause as you mentioned above, that will definitely be an experience to remember

  2. Wow they breed so fast!
    However i find kangaroo too cute to become a meat on my plate, same feeling i have for dogs and cats.
    Just no. Hahaha

  3. Oh no.
    I will not eat animals - rabbit, quail, horse etc. I pity them so that's it. Hahaha. I have the same sentimental feeling as Blair is.

  4. There's no way I can eat kangaroo meat. I'm not a big fan of game meat for their strong smell and taste. So, I'll have to pass.

  5. Omg. I never taste it and taknak cuba pun. The kangaroo is so cute, how come nak makan. haha

  6. i have not tasted kangaroo meat before, frankly, after reading what you wrote here, I don't think I will want to. :)

  7. No, tqvm, I think I'd pass the opportunity. They should just find another way to control the kangaroo population. But you're right, if cooked in a different way, it could become tastier.
